Wednesday, July 16, 2014


As both a literary nerd and a food lover, I find this highly amusing:

Also, I made this:

Notice the lovely filter?
This, my friends, is a flatbread from Target (Archer Farms brand, FYI), covered in a layer of Parmesan, and then topped with prosciutto, sliced nectarines, ricotta, and basil, and finished with a balsamic reduction and a drizzle of olive oil. It was delicious. Notice to lovely board that my dad made me for Christmas last year -- gorgeous, isn't it?

And finally, can I just say that summer in California is the absolute best, food-wise? We had corn on the cob at the market this weekend, and it was awesome. I am surrounded by stone fruit, cherries, strawberries, fresh herbs, and early tomatoes. It is kind of what I imagine heaven to be like.

That is all.